

Khandvi is a traditional gujarathi dish. Generally gujarthi dishes don't have garlic and they are less oil foods. This food is also a dish that can be prepared easily at few minutes with the ingredients available at home. 


1. Besan flour - 1 cup
2. Yogurt - 1 cup
3. Water - 1 cup
4. Salt - as required
5. Ginger, green chilli paste - as required


1. Mustard - 1 tsp
2. Jeera - 1 tsp
3. Sesame seeds - 1 tsp
4. Green chillies - 2 splitted


1. Mix besan flour, yogurt, water and salt in a big bowl without any lumps. Whisk the batter nicely.

2. Heat a pan, pour the mixed besan mixture to the pan and keep stirring without sticking on the sides of pan. This procedure needs complete attention.

3. Once the besan is cooked and texture become a thick paste, remove the pan from the stove.

4. Take the batter with a laddle and put it in a flat surface, for example back side of the plate or a plain oven tray.

5. Spread the batter as a thin layer as possible. Do this procedure in 2-3 trays or plates. Give a straight cut length wise like ribbons with the knife. Leave the batter to cool for 5-7 minutes.

6. Slowly roll each ribbon like strips and arrange it in a plate.

7. Heat oil in pan, add mustard seeds, jeera, sesame seeds and splitted green chillies. Once they all got fried pour it on top of the arranged khandvi. Its a very attrative dish, you can serve to your friends and family.

note:- The sour yougurt is suitable for this recipe. If it is a fresh yougurt you can add a dash of lemon juice to make it sour.

1 comment:

  1. Wow .. Radhika this is superb .. i have never heard of this recipe and very surprised to see its a gujarathi recipe .. u are all rounder .. I admire every dish u make .. they all are tasty and so is this Dish too .. I Tried and got good .. not been so perfect like yours but tastes good . thanks for the recipe and your blog is overwhelming with lots of good and rare recipes .. Keep up the work and let the recipes flow.. Miss u so much ..
