

Our ancestors have given us a plenty of nutritional recipes. This chutney is also one among the nutritional recipe. Nellikai thuvyal , a tangy spicy rice mix for everyone in the family. A must recipe to try in your house. This recipe's speciality is it contains all 6 flavours. This dish is prepared for sure on dvadasi , the next day to ekadasi upavas in our houses. But we can prepare it whenever we want and enjoy the taste.

1. Big gooseberries - 4
2. Freshly grated coconut - 1/4 cup
3. Green chillies - 3-4 ( less or more as required)
4. Curd - to grind instead of water ( approximately 1/4 cup)
5. Salt - as requried


1. mustard seeds - 1 tsp
2. Jeera - 1 tsp
3. Sundakkai vathal - 10 ( in telugu it is called as usthakaya)
4. Curry leaves - 1 twig
5. Powdered Hing - 1 pinch


1. Chop the gooseberry into pieces and remove the seeds.

2. Add green chillies, salt, chopped gooseberries and grated coconut to the blender and grind it to fine paste  by adding fresh yogurt or curd without adding any water to the mixture. The consistency can be little bit loose than the thick paste, like chutney form and the colour of this thuvayal will be pale pink.
3. Transfer it to the serving bowl.  Heat oil in a pan, add dried sundakkai vathal and roast it nicely and add it to the thuvayal.

4. Heat oil in a pan, add mustard seeds, jeera, curry leaves and powdered hing . Once they got fried, transfer it to the thuvayal and mix it together before serving.

5. Serve it with hot white rice.

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