

This is a very traditional  recipe followed in our houses, which has rich taste and rich coconut flavour.  Very simple ingredients and but a little bit effort is required to prepare this recipe.


1. Raw rice / Boiled rice - 1 cup
2. Red chillies - 5-6 or as required
3. Salt - as required
4. Jaggery - 1/4 cup ( less or more as required)
5. Freshly grated coconut - 1 cup ( even you can cook with 1/4 cup or 1/2 cup)


1. Mustard seeds - 2 tsp
2. Jeera - 1 tsp
3. Curry leaves - 2 twig
4. Channa dhal - 1 tbs
5. Oil - for cooking


1. Wash and soak rice for 1-2 hours .  Add red chillies, salt , freshly grated coconut , raw rice and grind to a thin batter by adding enough water. Then dilute the jaggery with this batter.

2. The texture of the batter can be watery like rava dosa batter. 

3. Take a heavy thick bottom pan for making this upma.  Heat oil in the pan. Once the oil gets heated add mustard seeds, jeera, channa dhal and curry leaves, 

4. Once the seasonings got popped, pour the grind batter to the pan.  Close it with the lid, open the lid and  mix the batter for every 5 minutes. Like all other uppuma, this recipe also tastes good with little more oil.

5. It takes minimum of 25-30 minutes or depends upon your stove. Its better to cook this upma in the medium flame, as it easily gets stick to the pan and turns black. The golden coloured crust forms under the upma along with the pan will be very tastier than the upma. You can use your spatula to remove this crust.

6. Once it gets cooked, you can see the texture well cooked, non sticky and don't have the raw taste.

7. Even it is cooked with coconut, the shelf life will be good for a day and you can  take this during your travel instead of variety rice for a change.

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